Adblue Cap

Monday, July 25, 2011

Costly Adblue Contamination Error for UK Haulier

During the past few weeks a large northern fleet operator discovered that their new Fleets NOx reduction system had become polluted.

The failed SCR injector had been polluted with oil.

The following investigation identified that the problem was caused by an operator using a non-dedicated container to transfer AdBlue from the IBC to the vehicle.  

The operative admitted to using a non approved-adblue container which had previously been used to top up engine oil and antifreeze and despite receiving a ‘quick rinse’ had led to contamination of the lines. Fortunately, the new magnum was the only truck to have received AdBlue from this container.

To confirm, AdBlue is highly susceptible to contamination and as little as 10ml of oil present in a 100 litre fill can corrupt the system causing irreversible damage.

For more information on how to protect your AdBlue from contamination visit our dedicated website pages for more information on the adblue cap or call our team today on 0044 (0)121 745 6788


  1. Vertikale Tanks sind eine praktische Lösung für die Lagerung von Flüssigkeiten in begrenzten Räumen. Im Gegensatz zu horizontalen Tanks werden vertikale Tanks senkrecht aufgestellt und nehmen dadurch weniger Stellfläche ein. Diese Tanks sind in verschiedenen Größen und Konfigurationen erhältlich und bieten eine effiziente Aufbewahrungslösung für Flüssigkeiten wie Wasser, Chemikalien oder Öle. Dank ihrer vertikalen Ausrichtung ermöglichen sie eine optimale Raumnutzung und sind ideal für Industrieanlagen, Gewerbeimmobilien oder sogar Privathaushalte.
